
Finally ....Bonds for Canadian Contractors like you....

Determining project bond costs

Instead of charging large annual fees we charge a modest annual fee of $900 or $1500/year if you qualify for and choose the facility with single job size limits exceeding $750,000.

In addition you would pay $150 for prequalification letters and $250 for tender bonds (bid bonds and/or agreements to bond).

If you are awarded a contract please use the calculator below to compute the costs of the required bonds so you can build that cost into your tender price.

Standard Rate Bond Premium Calculator
Note: Other than decimal points, do not enter any other non-numeric characters (commas, dollar signs, etc.) in the entry boxes. Doing so will cause a JavaScript error.
Contract Price including tax:
Performance Bond Percentage
Labour and Material Payment Bond Percentage
Did the spec include specific bond forms?
Number of Maintenance years
Annual Premium in Canadian Funds